Plumbing supplies and electronics

When it comes to plumbing supplies and electronics, the stored goods range from small electronic components to large cable reels or entire lavatories. Special rack systems are needed to safely store all these different products. Custom-designed systems in particular offer a crucial advantage for this type of storage. 


The plumbing and the electronics industries share some commonalities. This includes complex requirements for storage and racking technology due to the broad variety of products. From diodes and gaskets to cable reels and ventilation pipes: whereas for small goods, quick localisation is the biggest issue, large goods need particularly sturdy solutions. Both industries therefore present a multitude of challenges for the relevant rack systems, which differ for the different products. 

For these challenges, ELVEDI offers adaptable storage systems that are tailor-made for each individual use case. We create a flexible storage layout that provides enough room and order for plumbing supplies and electronics parts. Our robust rack systems ensure quick access to all goods. Their excellent safety standards ensure smooth warehouse operations.

Cantilever racks for plumbing supplies and electronics

ELVEDI cantilever racks are very well suited to the optimal storage of long goods such as pipes, which are particularly important in the plumbing trade. For this application, the cantilever arms of the cantilever rack (type HRZ) can be fitted with gratings, roll-off stops and dividers. This storage system can create even more storage space if used in combination with ELVEDI’s type VLS racks for the upright storage of goods. 

ELVEDI pallet racks for indoor and outdoor use

In addition to cantilever racks and vertical racks, pallet racks are also suitable for the use in plumbing supplies and electronics warehouses. Not only is this storage system extremely flexible, is also provides easy access to the desired product at all times. ELVEDI pallet rack storage is also available as a weatherproof version for outdoor use. To enable you to adapt your storage system freely to your requirements, we also offer accessories such as front-to-back supports, impact protectors, corner protectors and push-through protectors. 

ELVEDI provides the accessories you need to configure your pallet rack exactly as you need it. Talk to us today! 

Video of a realised project

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Together, we will find the best rack design and the optimal storage systems for you. Contact us today! 

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