Machine and vehicle manufacturing
In machine and vehicle manufacturing, the storage of heavy components, tools and machine parts is part of the daily routine. At ELVEDI, we understand the need for strong, heavy-duty rack systems that can handle these requirements. Our solutions do more than provide the stability required for heavy loads – they are also flexible enough to adjust to dynamic production processes.

Our racking systems are robust and offer high load capacities, ensuring safety and preventing damage to the stored goods. They use a modular design that allows for easy extensions if and when warehouse requirements change. In addition, our racks meet stringent safety standards including stability, fire safety and the use of high-grade materials. We offer specialised storage solutions for a wide range of components, ranging from pallet racks for small parts all the way to cantilever racks for long and bulky objects.
Greater efficiency and more space in the warehouse
The optimal use of the available space and efficient stock management help improve the efficiency of the production environment. Our rack systems are designed to allow the neat organisation and labelling of the stored goods, making them easier to localise and retrieve, which in turn will speed up workflows. They can also withstand environmental influences such as moisture, dust and chemicals and they are compatible with materials handling equipment such as forklift trucks in order to guarantee a smooth flow of goods. In this manner, our racking systems help optimise the storage of components and materials and increase the efficiency and productivity in manufacturing.

You are looking for a storage system for your warehouse or production facility? Talk to us!